Finding great stock picks comes from finding great companies with high insider ownership with an innovative CEO is the sweet spot to finding a great company to invest in for long term. If you just want to buy a great group of companies and forget about them in your portfolio, it is best to find the ones where the employees and the customers are the happiest with the company. It is also very important to find companies that the CEO or founder is consistently involved and has high interest in.
This is often the sweet spot to finding that gem in your stock picks. You often want to make sure the company is increasing in value and also make sure they are profitable. A profitable business will last the longest. Look at the balance sheet and be sure they are profitable with little to no debt. Ask yourself, “Would you loan money to this company?” If the answer is yes, then invest in them. If your answer is no, then do not invest in the company. It’s much simpler than most make it out to be.
Patience in Waiting With Your Stock Picks
The hardest part is being patient in the market and training your mind to not react with the turbulence of the market. Many times, when I make a trade in the market, I look for stocks that went on sale due to market corrections. This is often when I distribute more cash to acquire more of the stock I bought for higher prices. Often, the dollar average brings the cost of my shares down and I have a better average price.
You may ask, how do you determine which stocks to buy? I thought you’d never ask. I use Stock Market Gems to help me determine what to pick.
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I always like to keep up with stocks I have never heard of. the best way to do this is by getting a newsletter where the best analysis has been made on companies that most likely will be tomorrow’s 100 bagger stock. Add your email and get started in the link below.
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